Wednesday, September 10, 2008

The Liberal's Worst Case Scenario

Friendly advice to the Dems and Media:

Keep taking the bait - - PLEASE!

A funny thing happened on the way to Barack's coronation cruise - he and his party missed the whole boat. While I am no history major, I don't think I have ever studied a US Presidential race in which the entire strategy is to destroy the person at the bottom of the other ticket.

I mean it is still Obama and McCain who want to commander-in-chief, right? And forgive me for stating the obvious but there has got to be a reason why the gameshow Jeopardy doesn't often have a category called "Memorable VPs". Don't get me wrong though, if Sarah Palin truly does giftwrap an election victory for John McCain she will be clearly be in a category all her own.
To his credit Barack initially tried to take the high road. Albeit after he let his loose lips make that regrettable remark about Palin being the mayor of a "small" town. Life is so tough when you're off the teleprompter. When the news of her daughter's pregnancy was released questions from the liberals and their media machine responded in lockstep. Leave it to the feminist Dems to always equate the words pregnancy and scandel in the same soundbite. Unless of course its regarding the altar boy John Edwards. Barack, clearly still reeling from his "small town" condemnation, immediately tried to curtail "his people" by vehemently chastising those that would stoop so low as to bring a candidates family into the spotlight. He bellowed that all such tactics were OFF LIMITS. Sadly Mr. Obama it seems that even your own camp, worshippers, and media nitwits don't listen to you either.

And that was only the beginning of what figures to be a nonstop assault on that women from Alaska who has turned the polls, the election, and the Obama war room completely upside down. One month ago, with neither candidate having announced a VP it appeared to many, including myself that the young senator from Illinois may actually win comfortably. Obama announced his VP choice, Joe Biden and lost points in the polls. The Dems flocked to Denver for their dog and pony show and after Barack's acceptance speech you had liberal media pundits all over salivating over their time on top. Astronomical predictions of a 15 point poll bounce for Obama was all but guaranteed. He got a 4 point bounce.
Then, Sarah Palin was announced by John McCain as the maverick woman from great state of Alaska to be his VP. And the whole race changed. Palin represents everything that the heart and soul of the GOP has adhered to during its greatest success. In the spirit of Ronald Reagan, truly the great communicator, Palin embodies all of those qualities that makes America great.

The Liberals wasted little time in scouring the globe in an effort to smear and undermine her.

The biased media machine went into overdrive. Magazines revealed their true colors. Bitter, frustrated Democratic women rallied together to once again make it clear that they are not pro-woman unless the woman champions abortion, gay rights, and bigger government.

Thus far, after digging and digging for dirt on Sarah Palin the liberals Dems are ready to convict the GOP Vice Presidential candidate for crimes of an intolerable nature. They wail on and on every day over items that they have been able to uncover. First, the bitter left had problems accepting the fact that Governor Palin had recently given birth to a beautiful baby boy afflicted with Downs Syndrome. Some idiots deluded themselves into hoping that it was not her baby, but perhaps her daughters. Others bemoaned how selfishly she allowed the child to be born anyway.

The second supposed sin of Sarah Palin was that her daughter, Bristol, was unwed and pregnant. The 17 year old daughter of the governor had decided to keep the baby and eventually marry her boyfriend. To the Liberal media this was insane. Sour ladies across the party were mystified at how any family could be so happy about the tragedy that they consider pregnancy.

So what are we left with? After all this fuss, we are left with a woman who had the knowledge and ability to abort a Downs Syndrome baby but instead chose life. We also have a set of parents whose unwed teenage daughter got pregnant and chose not only to have and raise the child but to eventually marry the father. What was the crime of parent Palin? Unconditional love and acceptance of the situation at hand. The Liberal media and whacked out Dems have ignored the will of their "chosen one" and worked tirelessly to smear and degrade Sarah Palin. And sadly for Barack it continues to backfire. What they label as dirt and scandal, the compassionate, conservative heart of this country calls moral character, respect for all life, and unconditional love and acceptance.

The more the Democrats spit and snarl and spew out their hatred and fear of Sarah Palin, the more America starts to feel nauseated. And the GOP smiles. Barack told them, ordered them to keep it clean, leave the family out of it, talk about the real issues, but his party and his people blew him off. And the GOP smiles. No doubt the Republican nominee for VP will continue to be the recipient of baseless allegations, left field character attacks, and glib one-liners from fearful, bitter liberals. John McCain hopes they keep taking the bait. I hope they keep taking the bait. Sarah Palin has completely knocked the Democratic party into a nosedive and November is not that far away.

Hope lives.