Tuesday, November 4, 2008

The Lesser of Two Feebles

Heads THEY win,
Tails WE lose.

Congratulations America! We have all nearly survived another election. It was a campaign filled with the usual amount of ads, way too much irrelevant news coverage, false promises, and "guilt by association" tactics. It has been ballyhooed as the "Most Important election of our time"!
Yes, until the next one. Aren't they all important? They should be.
In one corner, the GOP put up a candidate by default. McCain won the nomination somehow and actually has made an otherwise ho-hum campaign extremely significant by sharply selecting Sarah Palin as his running mate. Ya'll know Sarah. She is that conservative woman who supports family and life and small government and actually wants to give money back to her constituents. She is "that" woman who Liberals loathe and Hollywood snobs attempt to dismiss.
And yet she sustains, more qualified to govern than the other party's top dog, and respected and cheered by the American's who still think for themselves. Yes, we are still out there.
Then, there is Obama. The young and aspiring senator from Illinois who brought his boyhood dreams of utopia to the biggest stage in the land. True, he can orate with the best in the business these days (that doesn't say much). True also that he loves to hear his own voice.
Accomplishments? We're still waiting. Solutions? Who knows? I will give him this though, in a year where just about ANY Democrat nominee was best poised to win on a "Bush is the devil!" push for White House, it was Barack Obama who seized the brass ring. For that alone, he has earned a distinction.
Soon, the polls will close and we can all get back to life without being inundated with docudrama commercials and political pundits 101. November sweeps on TV can likely still salvage some viewers by resurrecting Heroes, a special 2-hour "24" movie on FOX, and the push for the playoffs in the NFL. We should all look forward to and treasure the pending Holiday season and bear in mind that we have survived elections before and will survive this as well.
Yes, Virginia, there is a Santa Claus, and yes, Virginia elections really do come to a close.
For George W. Bush, the nightmare is almost over. As for the rest of us, it may only be beginning. America will choose Obama or McCain tonight, and Campaign 2008 can be remembered as that time where we had to choose "the lesser of 2 Feebles"
Now, pass me the remote control. I have a ton of DVR shows to watch all night long!