Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Democrat Mission 08: "humanize" Obamas - - good idea!

"Remember, its smile AND wave, not just wave"

OK, so it has been awhile since I felt like posting. Admit it, the past 2-3 months of summer have been pretty much dullsville even for the most tried and true political junkie.

I think the hilight came down to a clever McCain ad that included 2 seconds of tabloid roadkill
Paris Hilton and Brittny Spears and 25 seconds ridiculing Barack for being anti-drilling, drooling to raise taxes on the only people surviving the stumbling economy, and having no original ideas on alternative energy. The Obama response? ...freak out over the 2 seconds comparison to the flash-over-substance ladies, and tactfully stay silent about the real issues the ad raised. I mean who would want to know what his solutions are as long as he keeps reading well, and laughs at his own smarmy quips at press junkets?

But here we are after Night 1 of the much anticipated "week of hopes and dreams" that is the Dem Convention and what is the prevalent talking point from the Democrats??? How HUMAN the Michelle and Barack appeared!! To quote one Dem, Its very important that we come out of this convention and "humanize" Barack Obama to the American people.

I was stunned. I don't think I have ever heard a campaign admit that there primary definition of success is that they were able to humanize their candidate. Why would you ever feel the need to do that. I mean, he is human right? Surely after "Algore" they realized that running stiff, wooden people won't work.

I was not satisfied; however with merely one strategist applauding the humanness of Obama. I deliberately forced my TV to CNN. I just had to watch some of that rose-colored crooked and off-center commentators and see who would be smiling the biggest. Sure enough it was the lovefest I expected. Paul Bigala was drug out of mothballs and once again chirping in with lofty praise after lofty praise. Anderson Cooper had finally dried off from all of that time spent in the Hurricane Katrina water and had clearly had a bit too much of the koolaid.

But then, they go to the crowd shots. Some poor field reporter for CNN who hasn't earned her stripes is stuck out with the minions on the floor. They find two Golden Girls with big hair smiling with their new adhesive dentures as they comment on the Michelle Obama speech that was badly trumped by Massachussettes icon Ted Kennedy's "to the moon Alice!" speech. These two ladies are so proud of Michelle Obama as they struggle to contain their euphoric tears of joy. And then even before any staffer could slip them a "talking points" card, one lady looks into the camera and confirms the evening mission, "Michelle did it! She was great. They really are HUMAN!!!"

Wow. What a surprise. Well, it seemed to be for her anyway.

Humanizing the candidate. Who would think it would be such a tough sell??

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