Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Democrat Night 2: For whom the bell tolls???

Give 'em hell Hillary!!

Accordingly, Mrs. Obama came out on Monday night and played her role. It wasn't that memorable of a speech but she showed that she can read well. Mrs. Obama showed just enough support and admiration for her hubbie as most people could stomach ( I mean nobody will mistake it for the smoochfest of Al and Tipper :-0 ) but she played the "good cop"
To quote that Graceland poet Presley, "then came Act 2, you seemed to change, you acted strange, and why? I'll never know" Now, I am by no means a political operative the likes of Karl Rove or James Carville, those dudes are legendary, BUT, if I were Howard Dean (scary thought) I would immediately put Act 2 in motion, Hillary Rodham Clinton - BAD COP.
Think about it, she harbors some 18 million voters who know they got played by their own system. Ole Mrs. Bill had more delegates stolen than Rev. Wright's "building fund" She mopped the floor with her party's "chosen one" for about 6 months in a row. She ran out of time and everyone in Denver knows it.
But tonight is her night. She can deliver one of those memorable fire and brimstone speeches like Grandma Richards. Just as Mrs. Obama played nice, I would hope that Billary will get down and dirty.
Lament on and on about Iraq, and the economy, and gas prices, and healthcare, and global warming, and earthquakes, and snakes, and locusts. She will find some way to link it all to President Bush and the GOP.
She will rant on and on about how bad things are, how weak our country is, and how SHE can, oops, wait, she is out. She will say how the guy she chewed up and spit out for 18 months is suddenly the man with the plan.
If they really want to WIN the White House, that is what I would do tonight. Release the pit bull of the party, and let Hillary take it to the Republicans. "There will be blood"
Then, good ole boy Bill can take the stage tomorrow night, "feel everyones pain" and let the healing begin. He can be that bridge over troubled waters and set his party up for the speech of speeches. The Golden Boy, er, Bronze Boy, can accept the nomination on Thursday night.
Like I said, I am no political expert, but thats what I would do if I had Hillary in the bullpen.
Lets see if they're playing to win or just to keep it close . . again.

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