Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Finally Something Super??? Don't Tease Me

It's a funny thing about our culture, we just love superlatives. Its a marketing age friends and if your product, candidate, or party do not come up proceeded by such terms as Big, New, Super, or Improved......well, you just don't get a second glance in todays helter skelter world. Case in point, this past Sunday, estimates are telling us that more homes had their televisions tuned into the Super Bowl than any other TV program in history. The viewership for Super 42 came out ahead of the timeless TV Finale for MASH! Say it ain't so Joe!
And what did we tune in for? A comedy of errors. A supposedly superior Perfect Patriots team that somehow came out and played like the NY Jets. Maybe they did spend too much time watching those video tapes?? Some will call it an "upset for the ages" (those are Giants fans) but I think the largets viewership in some time actually laid witness to a Patriots team playing down to its competition. But, alas we all took the bait. But will this Super Duper Tuesday offer any more reason for drama or a down-to-the-wire "cliffhanger" finish? Somehow I think not.

On the Democrat side you've got too diametrically opposed forces in the Fair Maiden of Stability in Hillary Clinton versus the Crown Prince of Change in Barrack Obama. Both deserving party nominess and both with totally different styles. Hillary represents that "old guard" charisma that helps many in the Liberal camp sleep more soundly at night. Obama stands for that resonating new voice that echoes in the wind. He is that breath of fresh air. The guy sounds great and gives marvelous soundbites. He apparently "found his voice" right out of the womb.

Then for the Republicans, its seems to all be done but the counting. For reasons inapparent to me, the GOP seems content to roll over and support John McCain. He of the war hero, I love America mold. Lately, he has evoked much of the rhetoric and reason of the Republican icon, Ronald Reagan, minus the personality. Is it me or does McCain just come across like that cranky grandpa from the old TV show Soap?? Since winning Florida, McCain has swooped up endorsements from all over the place. Rudy and Arnold are on his side! I think if they could get a microphone up to heaven the GOP would try to get a Ronald Reagan endorsement, though with one look at the Arizona senator's recent history in politics, I doubt that endorsement would ever come. I have been leaning towards Mitt Romney, that successful business fellow who just happens to be a Mormon. Early on, I was hoping that good ole Fred Thompson would leap out of that Tower from the 2nd Die Hard movie and steamroll through the field. But Fred never did leap anywhere, and the momentum train never left the station. Then, Mike Huckabee got my attention when he won "President of Iowa", but even his Kevin Spacey-like delivery could not garner enough support away from McCain.

Soooo, we wait. A lot of the moderate Republicans and just about every network media outlet has been telling America that McCain has it wrapped up, and he probably does. The burning question for this fan of the process is why we settled so soon. I, like many on my side, wish that Mike Huckabee would have dropped out with Rudy, because I believe that those who vote for him would have fallen Romney's way if he were out. For some reason, Huckabee remains. Perhaps his reward will be Vice President. Fo now, I will sit and wait and see if this Super Duper Tuesday lives up to the hype.

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