Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Super Duper Tuesday!

Well, the day is finally here. All the debates, polls, speeches, punditry, debates, gossip, private planes, shaking hands, and debates bring us to today. Super Tuesday is the day that voters in more than 24 states makes their choices among the remaining Democrats and Republicans in the race. A month ago, there were like ten candidates in only one state, and a small one at that. Now there are only four or five stretched among 24 states, plus American Samoa. Who came up with this system?

In the Republican race, I think McCain is going to roll through today with a big, wincing smile on his battle-scarred face. He won't win the whole thing today, but he'll cement is lead in the race to such an extent that he'll be nearly impossible to catch. And Rush Limbaugh and Ann Coulter and the good folks on Fox News can all scratch their heads and wonder why Rebublicans aren't listening to them anymore.

In the Democratic race, Hillary was waaaaaay out in front, and expected to win today. But the Big Mo has been with the Big O, and I think Obama will catch her narrowly. But so many states are proportional states, that it will still be very, very close. Hillary may even retain the lead, when the expected superdelegates are counted. This battle will last at least another month, and either side can still win.

Vince, what do you think? Are you among the True Conservatives who can't imagine a War Hero with the gall to stand up to the Bushies representing your party? Do you think Hillary or Obama will win tonight? And whom would you rather face in the General Election? Enquiring minds want to know.

From the Left, I'm Joe Benik.

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