Heads THEY win,
Tails WE lose.
Vince Santos and Joe Benik have been friends since high school, more than twenty years. But each sits on a different side of the political fence. Joe is a Liberal Democrat, while Vince is a Conservative Repubican. Both of them have something to say about the presidential races, politics, and life. And why should you be left out? Check back to this blog for balanced coverage of all things political, from two friends who respect each other's views, even if they don't share them.
So what are we left with? After all this fuss, we are left with a woman who had the knowledge and ability to abort a Downs Syndrome baby but instead chose life. We also have a set of parents whose unwed teenage daughter got pregnant and chose not only to have and raise the child but to eventually marry the father. What was the crime of parent Palin? Unconditional love and acceptance of the situation at hand. The Liberal media and whacked out Dems have ignored the will of their "chosen one" and worked tirelessly to smear and degrade Sarah Palin. And sadly for Barack it continues to backfire. What they label as dirt and scandal, the compassionate, conservative heart of this country calls moral character, respect for all life, and unconditional love and acceptance.
The more the Democrats spit and snarl and spew out their hatred and fear of Sarah Palin, the more America starts to feel nauseated. And the GOP smiles. Barack told them, ordered them to keep it clean, leave the family out of it, talk about the real issues, but his party and his people blew him off. And the GOP smiles. No doubt the Republican nominee for VP will continue to be the recipient of baseless allegations, left field character attacks, and glib one-liners from fearful, bitter liberals. John McCain hopes they keep taking the bait. I hope they keep taking the bait. Sarah Palin has completely knocked the Democratic party into a nosedive and November is not that far away.
Hope lives.
Give 'em hell Hillary!!
Accordingly, Mrs. Obama came out on Monday night and played her role. It wasn't that memorable of a speech but she showed that she can read well. Mrs. Obama showed just enough support and admiration for her hubbie as most people could stomach ( I mean nobody will mistake it for the smoochfest of Al and Tipper :-0 ) but she played the "good cop"
To quote that Graceland poet Presley, "then came Act 2, you seemed to change, you acted strange, and why? I'll never know" Now, I am by no means a political operative the likes of Karl Rove or James Carville, those dudes are legendary, BUT, if I were Howard Dean (scary thought) I would immediately put Act 2 in motion, Hillary Rodham Clinton - BAD COP.
Think about it, she harbors some 18 million voters who know they got played by their own system. Ole Mrs. Bill had more delegates stolen than Rev. Wright's "building fund" She mopped the floor with her party's "chosen one" for about 6 months in a row. She ran out of time and everyone in Denver knows it.
But tonight is her night. She can deliver one of those memorable fire and brimstone speeches like Grandma Richards. Just as Mrs. Obama played nice, I would hope that Billary will get down and dirty.
Lament on and on about Iraq, and the economy, and gas prices, and healthcare, and global warming, and earthquakes, and snakes, and locusts. She will find some way to link it all to President Bush and the GOP.
She will rant on and on about how bad things are, how weak our country is, and how SHE can, oops, wait, she is out. She will say how the guy she chewed up and spit out for 18 months is suddenly the man with the plan.
If they really want to WIN the White House, that is what I would do tonight. Release the pit bull of the party, and let Hillary take it to the Republicans. "There will be blood"
Then, good ole boy Bill can take the stage tomorrow night, "feel everyones pain" and let the healing begin. He can be that bridge over troubled waters and set his party up for the speech of speeches. The Golden Boy, er, Bronze Boy, can accept the nomination on Thursday night.
Like I said, I am no political expert, but thats what I would do if I had Hillary in the bullpen.
Lets see if they're playing to win or just to keep it close . . again.
The New England Patriots were the best team in football from September through to the Super Bowl. They brought an undefeated record with them to the biggest stage in pro football. They were the favorite in every game they played. There was NO way they could lose. Oh, but they did.
"I don't belong to any organized political party," Will Rogers was reputed to have said. "I'm a Democrat."
It looked so good for us. Tired of seven years of Bush-Cheney rule, most Americans want change. They're sick of five years of war in Iraq, and worried about the economy. All seemed right in the world for a change in the White House, and we had just the Democrat for the job.
Even better, we had two Democrats, one who could become the first woman and the other the first African-American to ever hold the office. The woman was tough, experienced, and married to a popular former president, with one of the best political machines in history at her disposal. Her opponent was young, energetic, and full of charisma, with a promise of change for all those left behind by the Great American Oil Rush. And the other side nominated a 71 year-old man who even his party doesn't support, and who looks like someone you'd see driving too slowly on the highway.
How could we lose? Americans were rushing to the polls in each state's primary -- with short lines for the Republicans, and long lines for the Democrats. The race for the nomination became the top news story since early February, and all America stood watch to see who would surge ahead. We were for healthcare, better schools, an end to the war, while they were for keeping the troops right where they are, tax breaks for the rich, and drilling in Alaskan wildlife reserves.
But alas, the party that brought us John Kerry, Al Gore, Michael Dukakis and Walter Mondale has found a way to lose this one as well. First it was the red-faced sniping between Clinton and Obama supporters, who were convinced that pouring on the negatives would boost their candidate. Then, it was the fiascos in stereo that were the Florida and Michigan primaries, where the party first kicked both states out of the process, then sought a way to get them back in. After all was said and done, both Michigan and Florida responded, "Thanks, but no thanks."
Now here we are, with Obama holding a lead of about 150 pledged delegates over Clinton. It is five weeks before the Pennsylvania primary, where we have to wait to watch the voters of Pennsylvania decide. . . absolutely nothing. Then, it will be another two weeks until the North Carolina and Indiana primaries, which will decide. . . absolutely nothing. In fact, we will go through the entire fifty states, plus Guam and Puerto Rico and neither side will end up with the 2024 votes needed to win the nomination.
And that brings us to the convention in Denver. That convention will be exciting, but it will be all about superdelegates, and wondering whom each is going to vote for. And after all the time we spent listening to the candidates, watching debates, traveling to caucuses or standing in line at primaries, it will be about 800 party bigwigs who will decide whom we nominate. Hillary will likely need more votes than Obama, but she has more connections, and let's be honest, can play the game better. Obama will likely have the most popular votes, most states, and most delegates, and those superdelegates that base their decision on those factors will side with him.
Coming out of the convention, we will finally have a candidate. But we will have a split party, a whole bunch of disenfranchised rank and file voters, and only two months to run for president. That's right. Did I mention that the convention is in late August and the election is in early November? Subtract a week for the GOP convention in September, when all eyes will turn to Minneapolis and what the Republicans have to say. That leaves about seven or eight weeks to raise money, run ads, and state our case to the American people.
Meanwhile, John McCain is already doing exactly that. He is in a debate with no opponent, raising money hand over fist, and getting a free pass from the media. He is shaking hands with the president, making a trip to Iraq to meet with generals and foreign leaders, and resting his tired old bones for the short campaign ahead. The only bad day that he's had since Super Tuesday was the day that a Democrat had to explain to him that Iranians were not training al Qaeda.
This is how we manage to lose elections, people. It's not that we're being outspent. It's not that America loves Jesus. It's not even that white guys poll better than non-whites or even non-guys. It's that we can't get our act together enough to give a candidate a fighting chance against the other side. Between Howard Dean's er, leadership, and the campaigns' scorched earth mentalities, and the ridiculous rules for the process, we're going to go into the general election at a serious disadvantage that WE PUT OURSELVES IN. It's as if we were the Patriots taking on the Giants, favored by two touchdowns, and we decided to tie our own shoes together.
So, Howard, if you're out there, here's what you do. Send a letter to all of the superdelegates and tell them two things. First tell them that this is the last time they will be superdelegates. Next time around, they will have one vote in their own precinct, just like everyone else. And second, tell them that they'd better be ready to cast their vote on the day after the final primary, which is sometime in June. Once the primaries are over, they will have 24 hours to vote. No need to book an airline ticket. An email will be fine. Or the Internet. I just picked 63 basketball games over the Internet in about two minutes, so they should be able to pick one president in about the same time.
Then, maybe either Clinton or Obama can stop running for the chance to be the next name in a long line of Democratic losers, and be the first woman or the first African American President.
Now, as for the actual Republican nominee, the honorable John McCain, who else to represent the staunch military, defend our nation at all costs, the lovable Colonel Nathan Jessup from one of my favorite Rob Reiner films, "A Few Good Men" Of course, I am talking about Jack Nicholson playing our GOP war hero. The dialogue almost would write itself. If Obama can avoid talking about his policies, or offering any real substance until after he KO's Mrs. Clinton, then an Obama-McCain debate would be priceless. You can already hear our war hero respond: "Son, we live in a world with walls. And those walls need to be guarded by men with guns. Whose gonna do it? You? I have the luxury of knowing things you'll never know. You weep for the hunting down and killing of terrorists and radical Islamic maniacs who want to destroy our nation. You weep for the terrorists and you curse the marines! " I already have chills just thinking about the drama that would be.
And then, of course there is everybody's flavor-of-the-month, the greatest thing since sliced bread, the Democrat momentum magnet, Barack Obama. Now, portraying him is not easy. You need a strong actor, just as good as Barack himself. He has said that he wants Will Smith to play him in a movie. Not so fast. Will Smith is drop dead attractive. He has looks on top of looks. Plus, his best roles have been portraying characters that build up America as it is, and don't want to tear it down and make it the way they see it. Then, I thought about Morgan Freeman, but aside from probably being too old, Morgan had some famous lines from the SHAWSHANK REDEMPTION, when he warned Tim Robbins to be careful, because "Hope is a dangerous thing." WHOA. That sentiment is like Bizarro Barack, the complete opposite of his canned speeches about wishing for tomorrow rather than dealing with realities of today. Nope, Morgan is out. Chris Rock is too thin.
And then it came to me. That guy from the old ALIAS television show, Carl Lumbly. I don't really remember the guys character, but I know he was reliable and spoke softly. I can't remember much of his dialogue, so that would be an easy transition to play Obama. He is tall. He is a good guy. He looks like a leader and everyone on ALIAS was always happy when he was around. Yes, Carl Lumbly pick up the phone. Your Oscar awaits.
Auditions for Obama groupies, Clinton gang, and McCain's posse should begin by April 1st. Frank Caliendo can play our current President. I'll see you AT the Movies!Mitt, it was nice knowing you. Last week, you were wondering like most other Republicans how in the world that codger McCain ever became the front-runner for the GOP Nomination. After all, you won the Michigan primary. You had the most money in the bank, the best head of hair, the Olympic resume, and the outside-Washington message that people are eating up right now. How is this doddering old fool from Arizona getting the best of me, you must have wondered. He's not even a conservative, for gosh sake.
Well, Super Tuesday was going to change that. With some help from a long and blusteringly vocal line of conservative talk-show hosts, you were going to show McCain how you True Believers play hardball. You were going to start with a win in Massachusetts, and ride this wave of right-wing animosity all the way to Utah. And when you were done, you'd be back on top, right where God wants you.
Well, some Super Tuesdays don't turn out like we plan. Sometimes Super Tuesday turns into Bummer Tuesday. Sure, you won Massachusetts and Utah, and you picked up Minnesota, Montana and Colorado. But it turns out that those states were pretty much it. Somehow, McCain won the three biggest states in the race: New York, Illinois, and California. He also won seven other states, in addition to the Big Three.
And then there is Huckabee. That guy just doesn't seem to know his place. He doesn't understand that you can't run without millions in the bank. He doesn't know that you can't run a campaign based on appealing to evangelicals. Although he may be pretty conservative too, he doesn't know when to step aside and let you have all of the anti-McCain votes. And now, it turns out that he's beaten you in West Virginia, Arkansas, Oklahoma, Alabama, Georgia, Tennessee, and Missouri. How are you supposed to win the South when the Southerner stays in the race?
And now, people are suggesting that maybe it is time for you to hang 'em up. To use your deep pockets to buy another company instead of throwing it all away on a silly pipe dream of becoming Rush Limbaugh's Great White Hope. And they may be right. It may very well be a McCain-Huckabee ticket, and there may be nothing that you can do or buy that will change that. But facing reality is not your strong suit. After all, you're a conservative.